Thursday, February 01, 2007

Reading the Morning News-

Most people read the morning paper to find out what's going on in the world. Here in our little place in the country, we do it a little differently. This morning we put on warm clothes and boots and set out to see what was going on in our little world. We scarcely set out onto the path when we scared up a herd of 5 or 6 deer, who'd been bedded down and were snacking on tender twigs before heading back to the deeper woods.

We found where they had slept the night, and there was still no snow in their spots. We could clearly see where they had stepped when getting up and heading out for their breakfast.

Other tracks crisscrossed our usual path-rabbits scooting quickly out to nibble on some green shoots growing in a sheltered place before scurrying to safety under the brush pile.

The determined straight-line track of a fox, as he made his rounds, probably explained the blurred marks of the rabbit.

Before we headed back inside to stoke up the stove and warm up with a second cup of coffee, we stopped at the root cellar to bring in some onions and potatoes from our snug supply.

How about that? Morning news, a nature lesson, exercise and shopping for tonight's dinner, all without leaving home! Life is very good!

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