Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Garden Harvest Day

It's been a long time since I've posted, but today was such a special day that I just had to share.   We've been sick with a nasty flu for weeks, and tottering around slowly, but the garden doesn't care, it just keeps growing.    So today I dragged my old tired self out to the garden and harvested a bunch of great stuff.   

The garlic did great this year, and was ready to bring up, so I dug up all 73 heads of it, and was so pleased.  Some were as big as my fist, while the smallest were still larger than those found in the grocery store.    I dug them up, brushed loose most of the dirt, and laid them out in the greenhouse to dry out.    Once they're seasoned, I'll tie them up to hang in cool storage for winter use.  This should last us all year, and of course, I'll replant the best of them in a couple of months.

I got a little carried away with the kale and we can't keep up with it, so I've picked a big bin full to dehydrate.    Once I dry and pulvarize them into a powder, they'll make a great nutritious addition to winter soups. 

Our hoop house cucumbers are just growing beautifully, and I picked about 8 pounds that'll go into bread and butter pickles tomorrow.   

We're getting some early tomatoes out of the hoop house.   Here Jim uses the ladder to tie the plants to supports abut 8 feet up.   It's a jungle in there!

I also got two handfuls of pea pods, and a zucchini and summer squash.    We sure do eat locally this time of year.

These teepees hold 4 different varieties of green beans and they're just about running amok.   The scarlet runner beans actually have small beans on them already, while the others are just beginning to bloom.   

It's probably our best garden year ever.