Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh Boy! It's a Boy!

We have a new Grandson! And he just may probably be the most beautiful boy ever born, ever!
What an exciting time! It’s been Grandma and Grandpa week here. My son and his wife brought their little boy into the world on Friday and we got to share in the process in a supportive role. What a wonderful thing to be able to share that birth. Things are so very different now when babies come into the world. Mom was past her due date, so they told her on Thursday that they’d induce her the next day. That gave them the time to set everything up and make all their plans and preparations. Babies by appointment! Can you believe it? Big Sister went to the hospital with them for the start of the whole process, so she got to feel involved, checking out the equipment, playing with Dad, sitting on the bed with Mom.

Grandpa came in to pick her up and take her to preschool, then picked her up after school and home for a rest. I stayed to hang around the hospital and provide whatever support I could. It was so heartwarming to watch my son and his wife working together to bring their son into the world. Theirs is such a strong, cooperative marriage, and their mutual caring really shows. After only 6 hours of labor, this magical child was born, 7 pounds, 6 ½ ounces, and 19 ½” of pink anger. He cried immediately and within about 15 minutes, calmed down to look around. So far, he seems pretty mellow, and calmly just opens his dark eyes a little slit and peaks out at the world, then settles in to rest a little more. The fact that she managed the whole process without any drugs except for a little bit at the very end must have had something to do with his alertness.

As soon as they got Mom and baby cleaned up and settled in, we made the call for Grandpa and Big Sister to come meet the baby and they were there in a very short time. It was just beautiful to see her get acquainted with her little brother. It sure is different from the days when they whisked the baby away and the Moms were all dopey from lots of drugs. Being able to have that family time seems to help everyone bond much more quickly. I took a few pictures, of course.

While they were in the hospital, we had our granddaughter with us, and it was fun watching her accept her new role. She’s very proud to be the Big Sister, but occasionally relapses a bit into babyish behavior as she needed just a little bit of reassurance. We went back in to visit the morning after and she was so worn out afterward that she napped almost 3 hours, but woke up much more her usual sunny self. The next day we took her to the hospital so they could go home as a family all together. After buckling both children securely in the back seat, they headed off home, Grandpa in the following car with flowers, balloons peeking out the open sunroof, gifts and bags.

It was nice to see the family in the door as Big Sister carefully helped Mom up the stairs. What a wonderful family, now complete.

Jim and are feeling very lucky to be part of this whole process and look forward to so many years ahead of watching this little guy grow up into a whole person. I can't wait to see who he'll turn out to be.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Family and Holiday=Priceless!

We had a great holiday. Not only was it our 5th anniversary of our wedding, but Jim's family gathered from North Carolina, Missouri and South Bend for a small sized family reunion. We had a great time playing tourist to local sights with Tom and Sue, starting with the Lake Michigan beach, then the guys teamed up to cook a big fresh ham for the gathering on Saturday.
While they smoked the ham in the barrel smoker, then browned it over an open fire, we women went to the South Bend Chocolate factory and took the tour. There were 5 little boys on the tour with it and they freaked out-just a little-over the hair nets we were required to wear. We all loved the free tastes at the end of the tour though!
On Sunday we went to Millennium Park in Chicago-and the Bean is just the greatest! We finished up at Miller's for their great ribs. What a neat time.