I always try to space out the plantings, then somehow they all come ripe at the same time! We're not complaining though, it's all delicious and so very good for us.
The garden's going gangbusters this year, with everything planned, the raised beds to make it easier to just scratch up the soil, work in a little new compost and slip those seeds in. We added soaker hoses all through the beds this time, but with the semi-regular rains, we've only needed to turn them on a few times. Anna's strawberries will be ready this week.

Speaking of rain, Anna had a ball with the rain this week. She just had to get out in it with her boots to try to stomp the puddles dry!

The potatoes are coming up beautifully green, just needing a side dressing of compost to help out as soon as I can get out there to do it.

The tomatoes are just great, and beginning to bloom. We planted them along the fence this year, so as they reach up, we'll just tie them to the fence for support and they should do very well. The herbs are planted in between the tomatoes. Hopefully their strong odor will confuse the bugs and keep the tomatoes safe, as well as being handy to harvest together for fall soups and sauces.

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