The best thing about going away on a trip is how terrific home looks when you return. It was so hot in Tennessee this weekend, that I realized summer was here in ernest and I need to plan better when and how I do the regular chores.
So early this morning, with just a cup of coffee to brace me for the day, I got out to the garden to pull some weeds in one of the pea patches. We planted the garden this year in small plots, with small bits of things growing in a patch or a raised bed, hopefully to discourage pests, with lots of marigolds spotted everywhere and herbs scattered around.
After weeding the pea row by the north fence this morning, I ripped up an old dish towel and tied a lot of tomatoes to the fence to get them out of the dirt, pulled weeds from around the potatoes, and brought out a bowl to harvest a handful of edible pod peas for tonight's dinner, as well as a handful of tiny carrot thinnings for a salad.
I think tonight we'll have a fresh kale and potato soup, as well as a big salad with bibb lettuce, tiny carrot and pea pods, with a fresh sour cream dressing.
The vegetable spaghetti squash is blooming well, and four of the tomato plants have small tomatoes on them. All the tomatoes are blooming, and it's going to be a bumper year for them. The garlic looks good too. All the lettuces are growing great, and the romaine is curling into vertical heads, the bibb are growing faster than we can keep up with them. The Florence Fennel is broadening into those bulbs that taste so good to roast for a side dish for dinner, but it'll be a while before they're ready. In the meantime, the thinnings from them make a great addition to the salads too.
Something got into the strawberries last night. There aren't a lot of them, and the scarecrow sprinkler usually scares away the rabbits or raccoons. I forgot to turn it on last night, so they took advantage. Everything's coming along well. Following this are pictures of the progress.

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