This has been a good homey week here at the old farm. Jim's bees are settling in well, and buzzing all over doing their thing on the many flowers cropping up all over, the blueberries, strawberries, rasp-and blackberries, even the wiegelia bush out front and the many little blooms of creeping charlie in the grass. It's a great sign of life to hear their happy buzzing.
We picked up our chicks this week, just 3 aracanas and 3 rhode island red pullets for enough eggs for our own use and to share. It's great to listen to their flurries and peeping in the corner of the living room as they grow into their feathers so we can take them outside into their permanent home.

The garden is coming along very well. We have enough lettuce to feed an army now, with the looseleaf kinds I planted outside by seed, and the heading ones that Jim started in the greenhouse. We also have cabbages, peas, radishes, broccoli, carrots, turnip and corn up and growing. Plants put in are doing well for tomatoes, peppers, 4 kinds of squash, cucumbers and melons. There are still a few more tiny plants coming along to transplant, and the irrigation system and mulch needs to be put down, but it's all growing very well. The herbs and flowers are tucked in between and around everything, so it's got beauty as well as bounty, and delicious flavorings as well. It won't be long until we're scrambling to keep up with harvesting all the good stuff, and preserving it for future use. This sure does feel like a productive time of year. Just thinking about it all makes me want a long, slow nap.
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