The garden's going gangbusters now, with little tiny tomatoes hanging everywhere, the potatoes in their tubs are reaching out for the sky, and the beans are on their way to the top of anything within reach.
Last fall we ordered garlic and carefully planted it, in hopes of finally growing our very own supply of that essential flavoring. This week, they all bent over and laid down, turned brown on the bottom, and looked ready to harvest. I looked up when to harvest your garlic online and decided that was the day. What a kick! It was fun, carefully loosening the soil around each plant and lifting them out. I gently knocked off the majority of the dirt and piled them into a basket to carry inside to dry. The heads weren't as large as I'd hoped, but not bad, and they were all in great shape, no insect damage to the plants at all.

Our little greenhouse has a sun cover on it this time of year, so heat doesn't build up too much on the south side of the house, and the metal rack shelving inside made the perfect place to lay out the garlic to dry.
The air can circulate all the way around it there, and the open window on the end of the greenhouse allows fresh air all the time. The bonus for us is the great garlic odor we smell each time we walk past that window.

We're really fond of garlic here, and use some almost every day. This should be enough garlic to keep us supplied for at least most of the coming year. Now I'll just need to shop more carefully for the bulbs I'll plant this fall for next year. I wanted to plant hardneck garlic, for the larger heads, stronger flavor, and the scapes they grow, but apparently was shipped softneck this year. At least I should be able to braid this kind, and be able to hang it for storage.

Yummmmm-Garlic! Just makes you feel good all over!
Well done! I remember that drying out smell from the first time we grew garic back in 2005, but since then we've had zero luck with it - and it will be the best garlic you;ve ever had!
Thanks Gretel, my mouth already waters each time I walk by the window and smell it. I'm thinking pasta and fresh tomatoes....oh boy!
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