I confess, we've collapsed into that silly, sloppy state of grandparenthood where we know, with absolute certainty, that our grandkids are the best, smartest, cutest, most lovable and adorable kids in the world. We're already over the hill with our granddaughter, so when our youngest sprouted his two new baby teeth in the bottom front of his mouth, I was there with camera in hand to document the historic event.

He's got the greatest smile ever.

When he flashes that smile, those two pearly whites just shine and reflect the light.

He's so very adorable, that the lights shine a little brighter and music plays sweeter-truly!

His sister can tease him and he smiles great big and shows off those two new teeth.But not for the camera. Not today.

Not even when Grandpa coaxes him while I stand ready with the camera.

Un-uh, not happening today!

But you have to admit, he's still the cutest little guy ever was!
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