These baby chicks are growing so fast. They were a week old on Monday and that box at my feet when I sit at the desk is getting noisier all the time. They've begun scratching in the box constantly as their foraging instinct comes into play and they're taking practice flights as their wing feathers grow in.

The two light brown ones are Rhode Island Reds, and will grow up to have glossy reddish brown feathers and lay brown eggs. They're my idea of a classic farm hen, fairly calm and a reliable layer. The yellow and dark brown ones are Aracanas, which come in various color combinations and lay green to blue eggs. They're not so traditional, but such fun to have these Easter egg chickens as part of our little flock.

I've added some sand from Anna's sandbox, since they need some grit in their craw to digest their food and that seems to satisfy their need to scratch and peck at something. It sure is interesting having those lively little beings in the house.

They're very much aware of anyone walking into the room and they all pop their heads up, make alarm sounds and scurry around as we walk near. Anna was here yesterday and spent lots of time talking with them and holding them gently one at a time. She's named them, of course, and explains each of their traits and emotions to me in long rambling monologues. Leaving for home took forever, since each had to be picked up, carefully hugged and kissed goodbye.
1 comment:
Dave says there is a vegetarian in the making.
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