We love gardening here, and winters are tough. The older we get, the longer these cold snowy winters seem to get. About two years ago, we were sitting by the fire one night, enjoying our evening glass of wine, when we'd been mostly inside hiding from the weather for days, and we started talking about how nice it'd be to put up a little greenhouse on the south side of the house.

On cold, but sunny days, we could sit out there in the bright winter sunshine and soak up some of those much needed rays, set up a little table to have lunch on warm days and read gardening magazines and seed catalogs and think about spring. Hopefully as the season moves on, it'll get hot enough out there to vent warmth into the house and save on the heating bill. Well, it took us about two years, but yesterday that dream came true!

We ran some errands in the morning and when we got home the sun had finally climbed high enough in the sky to clear the tall trees on the neighbor's property and warm that wonderful greenhouse space to 74 degrees! Outside we still have about 6" of snow. Inside it was humid, and smelled like dirt and all the green growing things it was going to be possible to grow in there. How wonderful!

We already have lots of cool weather plants started, and they're coming long, but for me the highlight of the day was my lunch out in the greenhouse. I made a beautiful salad and took my Organic Gardening magazine and favorite seed catalog and just basked in the sunshine.

Life is very good, especially when you have a terrific husband who listens to your dreams, makes them his own too, and best of all--makes them come true! Thank you Jim, for the sunshine and joy that you've brought into my life in so many ways.
Only for you my love. And for us together.
Looks great. 74 degrees? I'm so jealous!
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