We're getting really tired of winter around here, and today I was peeking out the windows at the birds, mobbing near the feeders to find something to eat. Snow has covered everything for a while and there's not much for them to find.

And today, I saw a glimpse of Spring coming, just a touch, but it's there! One of the finches is beginning to turn yellow, just a bit, but it's happening. That's a sure sign that spring's coming, since they've been grey and dull all winter. When Spring actually comes, they'll be bright, brilliant, happy yellow and sing their hearts out to welcome the return of warm weather. It's nice to see these little signals and it lifts my heart.

We've got new snow today, and more coming. Jim's out stocking up on goodies and I'm home catching up on paperwork. It's too cold out to venture out to take these pictures, but I can just stick the camera out the front door with one reaching arm and catch our little left over Christmas tree, stuck in the snowbank at the edge of the driveway. Dark evergreens behind it highlight the snow on the small branches. Eventually, we'll take this little tree out into the woods to add to the pile of branches that serve the rabbits as shelter houses these cold days. When we do wrap up enough to wander out there, we see the tracks of many rabbits scurrying around their trails in the woods.

We leave a trail of corn on the log out back and many of the trails lead to that bounty. You can see that log in the background of the feeder where the camera caught a carolina chickadee in flight.
I've started lettuces in a long pot in the living room. Hopefully we'll have some delicious crunchy fresh lettuces for salads from our bay window in front. Soon, the greenhouse will warm up enough to use, and many more things will start growing. It won't be long now--I've seen the sign. Spring's Coming!
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