Now that the root cellar cans are almost full, and the firewood stacked, we still have more to do before winter. Jim's working on the greenhouse and it's almost ready for us to move into it. He's got the polycarbonate on the slanted wall, and is working on tightening up all the air leaks around the sides.

I've already put the fragile house plants along the back wall, in case of a nighttime frost. We planted some small food plants in pots to try to grow for winter eating too and they're coming along. The next task is to paint the buckets we've gathered with black spray paint so we can stack them in the greenhouse to absorb and radiate heat.

The trees are changing colors fast and dropping their leaves. I'm raking them up, piling them on a small tarp and dragging them out to the garden to feed next year's plants. One big pile is waiting for Anna to arrive so she can jump on them with joy.

It's coming together, pretty soon we'll be ready for that snug time of year, when we can stay warm and comfy inside, sipping a glass of wine by the stove, while snow blows and winds rage outside. Not quite yet though!
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