It's such a joy to fix dinner these days. First I take the colander and sharp knife out to the garden to see what's ready for us to graze on, then take stock of what we need to go with it, and somehow combine it with a minimum of cooking, and POOF! Magic happens!

The pictures show one night's typical bounty, mixed salad greens, fresh herbs, (basil, parsley, lemon balm and thyme), tiny carrots, green onions and pea pods. All I had to do was add some mushrooms, pasta and a bottle of wine, and don't forget the garlic, there's dinner. AND we had wild black raspberries to go over our vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Today I picked pea pods and green beans to put into the freezer for winter and kept some of those wonderful huge tender romano beans to cook up with a bit of onions and potatoes for dinner.

Things coming on for meals really soon are tomatoes, (not quite ready, but fried and green, soon) Florence Fennel bulbs, potatoes almost ready to dig in the raised beds, lots of carrots, kale, collards, squash, cucumbers, and the melons aren't far behind. And sweet corn! We have 6 ears with silks hanging down. Won't be long now. What a wonderful time of year to be a veggie-saurus.

I may not eat veggies (although I wish I had a wider palate...not for a lack of my parents trying!) but those pictures make me wish I ate veggies! All of that looks SO yummy!!!!!!!
And the best sounding part *smile* is the fresh berries on ice cream. If only you had the cow, you could have fresh cream to go with the berries (along with the steak).. Haha!!
You're right, P, we're missing the cow! But if we had a cow, we'd have to be home at the right time, twice a day! Ack!
But the veggies are great.
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