I've always said that I could never move away from this old place in the spring. There are too many miracles happening all around us, every day. I just thought that I should go out and get a few pictures of the greening here and in just a 10 minute walk around this little three acres I saw: a barred owl sitting in a tree who flew silently away when I came too close and tried to get a picture, the snowbells growing under the maple tree, the green chives coming up out in the woods, ready to add to tonight's salad, a deer scrape on the path, where a buck was leaving his scent to attract the his lady love, a pool of water next to the blueberry row that's feeding the future blueberries, and a flock of sandhill cranes overhead, calling their ancient warble as they wing slowly north.

All this on a soft spring early evening when it's warm enough to go outside in short sleeves. What joy is around us. St. Patrick's Day this year was bright and sunny, so I planted 3 kinds of radishes and lettuces, potatoes, edible pod peas and regular peas, onion sets and seeds, carrots, kale, collards and chard, so all that goodness is still hidden underground, just waiting to pop out and feed us so many delicious meals.

What a place we live in. The forsythia are turning yellow as the buds slowly swell and ready for the annual silent firework display in brilliant color.
The big old rhubarb rootstock a friend gave us from his garden is starting to grow already, with the big green leaves just beginning to unfold and reach out into the spring air.

The maple syrup is done and we ended up with 9 one cup bottles this year of the sweet stuff. It's especially good and clear this year, not very dark at all, and with a great clean taste.

And in the greenhouse that Jim's building, another small miracle. We thought we lifted all the bulbs and growing things out of that space and moved them elsewhere, but all through this little space, spears of daffodils, glads, tulips and crocus are pushing up through the hard packed earth and reaching for the sky. I guess we'll just let them grow for now, and move them after they're done. Life will have its way, no matter what we decide! Life is very good.

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