So, if you're hungry for zucchini, let me know. If you hear your doorbell ring, and come to the door to find nobody there, but a pile of green orphans on your doorstep, it was probably me, trying to keep ahead of these sneaky green things in the annual battle to keep up with the zucchini. Wish me luck!
We've also got tomatoes coming on-not quite ripe enough to fry as green tomatoes yet, but soon! Yummy. And we have lots and lots of cucumbers too. The funny thing is, we planted them next to a fence this year and somehow they're finding their way to grow with the leaves all on the inside of the fence, and the cukes protruding through! Looks slightly obscene as you walk past and see them all sticking out. They're delicious though. But that's going to be a race to keep up with too. Let's see, if I could just invent a dish with zucchini and cucumber combined.......
The blueberries are starting to get ripe too, and what a crop of them this year! So far the birds are getting the few a day that are ready to eat, but soon they'll all come on with a rush and we'll need to get out there and pick like crazy. These delicious goodies are just the best, all winter long in pancakes, blended into smoothies, and just eaten while still frozen. Delicious bounty.
Aren't we just the luckiest? To live in such a great place? Happy summer to you all.
1 comment:
You are the luckiest....no doubt!
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