Seeing a fox out in the wild is always a thrill. They're just the most wonderfully wild and free animals, and truly beautiful. I've never spotted one on our own property, but have seen the tracks through the winter snow, and see a fox a couple of times a year, in the area as we travel.
We had to make a quick trip to Terre Haute last week, and as Jim drove, I spotted a fox, just strolling along in a field. I saw it clearly, just walking along in no hurry, and could see it for a while as we passed the spot. I was amazed, because you never see a fox just walking, usually it's that rapid, energetic trot.
It made me happy to see that gorgeous wild animal, just at its ease, casually moving through its world, completely ignoring the traffic going by and at home in the woods.
Then to my amazement, as we were traveling back north toward home, I spotted another fox! This one was right at the edge of a field, watching some small mouse and getting ready to pounce. Every part of that fox was on complete alert and rigid and gorgeous.
Seeing one fox always makes my day, but this was a two fox day! What a lucky thing.
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