After a great night’s sleep in the camper, when it was cool enough, finally, to snuggle in, we got to finally visit that property in Vermont that John and Lora have been telling us about for over a year. It’s just plain gorgeous, and the river running next to it are a piece of heaven. We sat on the rocks and visited, and just breathed the fresh air and felt strengthened, just by being there.
One picture I’m posting is of Lora sitting visiting, with the downstream historic mill over her shoulder. Another picture is a close up of an almost perfect ball shaped rock that got driven in between two larger rocks and stuck there. By the smoothness and the shape, you can tell it had been driven many miles along the river bottom, wearing off anything sticking out along the way. So very beautiful there, and even the air felt healing, like there was extra oxygen in the air.
Lucky John and Lora, to know they can spend the rest of their lives beside this flowing water. And lucky us, knowing we are always welcome to come visit. It’s an amazing home they’ve found, and nice to know they made these perfect choices along the way to start their new lives in this setting.
The Appalachian Trail and the Long Trail come together here, and the third picture is me and Jim standing on a suspension bridge that crosses a small gorge over the same river that passes their house. It swayed and danced under our feet, and the cool moist breeze teased our hair as we stood above the rushing waters. Nice to think of all the booted feet crossing this bridge on their route between Georgia and Maine.
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