This space in Spring is a lush green row of blueberry bushes, in late summer a place to pick dark, delicious blueberries, in fall, a blazing red row of bright beauty. Now it's a stark row of bare twigs that the deer love to browse on. Notice the regular highway of deer tracks leading north.

Notice the long shadows? This was after 9am! That's how low in the sky the sun is this time of year. I shot my own shadow in this picture.
This thinking bench is a quiet place to rest and solve the world's problems in the warm months, but not now. With these temperatures, you just have to keep moving. This morning we found bobcat tracks in the snow, leading right past this bench. What fun to follow the tracks as it wandered through the trees, accelerated to a lope with prints 4 feet apart, leaped up into a tree, then dug for prey. All that drama, living out in our little woods.
You have a busy little world right there!
I have just realized why I love your writing so much. You write just like my favorite author.. Aldo Leopold. My absoute favorite book in the **ENTIRE** world is A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. I am sure y'all have read it, but if not... PLEASE read it as soon as you can! You will see that your world mimics his writing track by inquisitive track and flower by miniscule flower.
Doc P
I agree COMPLETELY. She bought me a copy for Christmas and I absolutely LOVE IT. My favorite is the Oak Tree.
Wonderful blog Mom. You have us on the edge of our seats wondering if you ever see the Bobcat!
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