After a while, he woke up, stretched, preened a bit, then moved in big swooping flights, to the maple, then almost got a squirrel at the corn feeder just a few feet outside the window. While at that tree, he coyly peeped back at us, as if to say, I see you too! At one point, he was looking in the window directly at Jim. They both looked equally fascinated with each other. So wonderful that the owl didn't seem afraid at all, just curious.
What a joy it is to share our lives with these magnificent birds. We seldom see them so clearly, and usually just hear the calls. This sighting went on for over an hour and we hope he's going to settle in and use our backyard for his naps all summer.

It's been a long time since I wrote. I think this winter just sent my creativity into hibernation and I couldn't surface for way too long. It looks like Spring is finally going to happen around here, and things are emerging and awakening all around us. Yesterday was a day spent wandering around the old place snipping off and clearing off old dead greenery and looking for signs of new life arriving. This owl was a great sign of life reawakening. Maybe, finally, Spring is on its way?