What a great weekend! We had Anna on Friday and went out to cut down a small Christmas tree, brought it home and put it up in the bay window. Nice and small, compact and out of the way, and yet very pretty and visible from outside.
Everything's more fun with a three year old along, and Anna was thrilled with the whole process. She really got into choosing the tree, and wandered all over the field, trying to talk us into picking this one, or this one, or this one's just perfect!

We brought it home and started loading it with lights and stuff, and she was just beside herself with excitement, and telling us where to put each thing so it'd be "just perfect, and most beautiful.
After she went home with her Daddy, we rested a while. There's always a resting time after Anna. We love her, but she takes a lot of energy. Then went out to our favorite Irish Restaurant for a great dinner and a couple of pints while listening to our favorite Irish band. Than friend happened to stop by and we had a great far-ranging conversation with them. What a wonderful evening.
Bad weather was predicted for Saturday, so we planned nothing more than staying home warm and comfy, with a cozy fire in the wood stove. Andy, Jess, and Anna stopped by for a short visit, then went home to stay out of the storm themselves.
All day long as I sat basking in the warmth of the wood fire and enjoying the view out on our woods, friends and family called with good wishes. What a lucky person I am, to have so many good people wishing me well.

Dinner that evening was rosemary roasted chicken, a generous salad, olives and a bottle of beaujolais. We ended up in our comfy chairs in front of the fire with a great sharp Irish cheddar cheese, while we watched the birds feeding outside in the dusk.

And it's great that some forgot and called late, since as late as today, tuesday, I got another email with birthday wishes. Talk about stretching the event out for a while!
Winter's coming on now, and we have one load of wood stacked up and ready, and we're stocked up on food and wine, so we can just stay in and safe. Life is very good!