One of the things we really try to do here is live in touch with the seasonal flow and celebrate each phase as it comes. We consciously try to celebrate each day, realizing how fleeting it all is.

Yesterday was a day of joy. The trees around us were so bright yellow they tossed in the wind like dancers, and I felt giddy with the joy of it all. We had to make a quick trip to town, so took along the camera to capture places of particular beauty.

There's a stark quality to some already harvested fields these days, sort of a clearing away of the clutter to leave the bare fields ready for spring.

In contrast to that, there's the jubilant variety of colors in the woods that form a backdrop to it all.

This morning, our Anna is with us, and it's cold and sleeting outside. We always want to get her outside when we can, so decided this was the time to try out the fireplace in the teepee. She loved it, and we all had fun, sitting on the ground inside the teepee, watching the small fire and hearing the sleet patter on the walls of the teepee surrounding us. It was amazingly warm and cozy inside with that little fire going. Next Jim's going to set up a spit and cook a cornish hen.

When he told us of his plan, Anna told him spitting is nasty! Hmmmm, I guess there's only one kind of spit in a three year old's mind.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of memories we're implanting in that child's mind. Good ones I hope, and some she'll remember and teach her children about someday.